Mediation? Ik verbind warme zakelijkheid aan resultaten. 

Jane Doe


Ik beveel Eliane van harte aan. ...

Eliane van Beukering

Gecertificeerd mediator

Hoe werkt mijn AANPAK

In this section you’ll explain what will happen during the strategy call, the goal is to reassure your future client that this will be valuable for them and that it won’t just be a sales pitch. You want them to understand that this is not a waste of time.

Van kennismaking

TIjdens de eerste kennismaking ...

Naar dienstverlening

gesprekken en meer...

En een oplossing

Als de oplossing klip en klaar is, is er geen mediation nodig. De bereikte oplossing is steeds een compromis waar beide partijen achter staan.

Over Eliane

Als mediator ...

Daarom een
 Gratis Kennismakingsgesprek

Wegens privacy ...

martha Jones


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

Shawn parker


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

Jessica Sanders


Copy and paste a testimonial here from one of your former clients about how helpful the strategy call was (remember you're trying to sell the free call, not your services yet!)

What Are You Waiting For? Let’s Improve [Your Service]!